Formed in 1876 by the amalgamation of the Sydney Seamen's Union and the Melbourne Seamen's Union, the Federated Seamen's Union of Australasia was registered under the Commonwealth's industrial relations legislation in 1906. Although this union was deregistered in 1925, many of its members went on to form the Seamen's Union of Australasia in 1930, which became the Seamens' Union of Australia in 1943. Despite amalgamations with the Marine Cooks' Bakers' & Butchers' Association of Australia in 1983, the Federated Marine Stewards & Pantrymens’ Association of Australasia in 1988 and the Professional Divers' Association in 1991, it remained the Seamen's Union of Australia until 1991 when it amalgamated with the Waterside Workers' Federation to form the Maritime Union of Australia.